Sunday 17 May 2015


According to Islamic belief, the word “Allah” is the perfect description of the “One God” of monotheism .Humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. “He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind.”,”He is unique and inherently one, all-merciful and omnipotent.” The Qur’an declares “the reality of Allah, His inaccessible mystery, His various names, and His actions on behalf of His creatures.”
 In Islamic tradition, there are 99 Names of God “The best names”, each of which evoke a distinct characteristic of Allah.
99 Names of God
All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. Among the 99 names of God, the most famous and most frequent of these names are “Ar-Rahman”, "Ar-Raheem" and “Al-Gafoor”. Allah has sent down miracles, revelations and messengers to give clear proofs He exists and more important, what we should do once we come to this realization.

Allah has sent prophets and messengers with many proofs throughout the ages for people to be able to clearly see with their own eyes and to be able to use their own senses the miracles and proofs pointing to the fact, Allah does in fact, exist.
Some other religions teach “God is everywhere.” This is actually called “pantheism” and it is the opposite of our belief system in Islam.According to we muslims, we believe that Allah (swt) through His Knowledge, He is everywhere. He encompasses everything in Knowldge, He knows everything whether small or big. 
Allah, the Exalted says in the Qur'an 
And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry [thing] but that it is [written] in a clear record. (Surah Al-Anam:59) 
 Allah tells us clearly there is nothing, anywhere in the universe like Him similar to his likeness.
Allah tells us “Allah is capable of doing anything He Wills to do.” It should be noted in Islam we understand Allah never Wills to do anything that would make Him no longer be Allah. That is to say, He would never die as this would mean He is no longer “The Eternally Alive” (one of His characteristics mentioned in the Holy Quran).
He created us for the purpose of worshiping Him, Alone and without any partners.
Allah tells us He is Pure, Loving, and absolutely Just in every respect. He says He is the Best of Judges. He also tells us the life we are in here is a test. He has created everything existing and He created whatever happens as well.This is the decree, which a muslim is required to believe that every good and evil is from Allah. Believing in decree or what is called Qadr is part of Muslim's faith.He also says in the Quran He created evil (although He is not evil). He is using this as one of the many tests for us, to see whether we are accepting it as from Allah and accept it patiently. Allah is even More-Merciful, that even every evil is for some good. When a Muslim is patient with the decisions of Allah, he is rewarded and his sins are forgiven. 
 The Prophet (SAW) said:
“Nothing befalls a believer, a (prick of a) thorn or more than that, but Allah will raise him one degree in status thereby, or erase a bad deed.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5641) and Muslim (2573).
The Messenger (SAW) said in a well known hadith the following:
islam on A Muslim Believer’s Attitude During Times of Difficulties and Calamities
“How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer. If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him. If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” (Narrated by Muslim, 2999).

All religions originated with Allah and then people began to add or take away from the teachings so as to take control over each other.
Allah does not force anyone to submit to Him. He has laid out a clear path and then made it known to them the two ways (Heaven or Hell). The person is always free to make his or her own choice.

Allah = Has no gender (not male and not female)
“He” is used only out of respect and dignity – not for gender
Allah = Always singular – Never plural
“We” is used only as the “Royal WE” just as in English for royalty
Allah = Means “The Only One to be Worshipped”

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