
Let us Prepare for Ramadhan.

How do we prepare and plan everything before our guest arrives? We start planning the second we become aware that they are going to be guests coming home. We clean our houses, closets even we clean areas that are least noticeable. We go to groceries and have a stock of every kind of foodstuffs. Sometimes, we also make a planner of what to cook so that we do not cook the same thing twice in a week and also where to take them. We host our guests with so much of care in order to please them and not to waste their time a little. 
If this is the case with our guests, Ramadhan which comes once in a year taking us close to our Creator. How much should we prepare ourselves for this very virtuous month?? Ramadhan has more right over us than any other guests who comes to our homes. This is so, because it takes us closer to our Lord, we can actually feel this closeness.In this Month Allah (swt) bestows His abundant Mercy, Forgives His Slave and Saves us from His punishments. 

Abu Hurairah(RA) relates that Messenger of Allah(SAW) said, "On the every first night of Ramadhan, the Satan and the rebellious jinn are chained. The doors of Hell are closed; not a single one of these is left open. Whereas all the doors of Paradise are opened, not a single of these is left closed. And a pro claimer (angel) announces, "O seeker of goodness! Advance and do not delay. O seeker of evil, halt!" And in every night of Ramadhan, Allah liberates people from Hell." (Transmitted by Ibne Majah)

Why should we fast?

Allah(swt) says in His Glorious Qur'an:


 O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous - (Al-Baqarah: 183)

The main purpose of fasting is to attain taqwa or Allah-Consciousness. Taqwa means in simple terms, to do everything according to Qur'an and Sunnah to please Allah(swt) and to refrain from everything that would bring the anger and the punishments of Allah(swt) on us....

If we look at the virtues of this Holy Month- Ramadhan, they are many. But how we benefit from it and how we strive to achieve the best out of it, is something that we have to really know. We must really have to work for it. Every second, minute and hour in Ramadhan is precious and they is absolutely nothing that is worth doing compared to performing good deeds in this month. Hence it is very important that we utilize our time to the best!


Let me share with you 12 practical and simple tips to prepare ourselves,so that we can utilize our time during Ramadhan towards seeking the pleasure of Allah.  

1) Mental Preparation: First and foremost, we must mentally prepare ourselves to fast. We must renew our intentions before entering Ramadhan that we are doing everything for the pleasure of Allah. We must build ourselves a positive attitude towards fasting and also keep in mind the reward of Allah, so that extreme climatic conditions do not bother us a bit. 

2) Spiritual Preparation: Next step is to prepare ourselves spiritually. We can prepare for something special ourselves only when we have knowledge about it. Hence, the best way is to read books, watch lectures and videos that talks about Ramadhan. Even if we have a complete knowledge about Ramadhan, reminding ourselves will always benefit. 
So remind, if the reminder should benefit; (87:9)

3) Start a good deed: Start implementing a Sunnah or a good deed like charity or reciting Surah al Mulk before going to bed and so on NOW. Start practicing a small deed. The month Shaban that is the month pertaining to Ramadhan is actually the month of preparation. So start doing a good deed now so that it becomes easy and a habit for you in Ramadhan. 

4) Sleep: Start having a good sleeping routine. Do it now, so that it is easier for you in Ramadhan. Go to bed early and try to wake up atleast an hour or half before Fajr and pray two rak'ahs. Do not sleep late that you miss your fajr. Good sleeping routine is really important in Ramadhan because you should not waste your day and night only sleeping. :)

5) Clean our Heart: This may sound very different, because how can one clean his/her heart. Clean our heart from its filth like grudges, envy, jealousy, pride, arrogance and etc that we have for one another. Ramadhan is a month of peace and mercy. How can you promote peace and show mercy to your fellow brothers and sisters if you are holding grudges against them. Forgive you friends, your relatives, your brothers and your neighbours like how you want your Lord to forgive you.

6) Leave a bad habit: Shaban, as I told you before, this is a month of preparation. So, try now, work hard and leave a bad habit which you really do not want to do or something which you are really addicted to like smoking. Leave it for the pleasure of Allah, May He reward you.! When we are taking in one thing, it is always good to give away something. So take a good habit and leave a bad habit. Make a resolution now that you are going to leave now, for Ramadhan and forever (dont return to it after Ramadhan) 

7) Prepare a Planner: Prepare a Ramadhan planner. Plan yourself what you want to achieve this Ramadhan. I would advice to prepare 3 planner for every 10 days of Ramadhan, to be followed. Checklist yourself every 10th day to see how much you have achieved and how much you can achieve. You are the best judge to improve and do more.

8) Buy all your groceries: Buy all your groceries and what ever you will need in Ramadhan, a day before or two days before Ramadhan. Buy all the major grocery items before Ramadhan and other small easily available food like milk you can buy them in nearby shops when required. This will save your precious time alot.

9) Eid Shopping: Finish all your Eid shopping NOW. Do not wait for Eid sales. Your time in Ramadhan is very precious than the money. Wasting your time in Malls and Markets, shopping is not worth a thing.

10) Clean your houses: Do all the major cleaning like the kitchen, closets, cupboards and so on a day or two before Ramadhan. This will again save alot of time of yours. Clean and prepare everything now, so that all you got to do in Ramadhan is maintaining, organizing and managing them.

11) Stay away from Distractions: Very very important, stay away from all that which will eat your time to the extent that you will not even realize it. It includes all the games, series in televisions, and all useless apps. Start doing it now, so it becomes easier for you in Ramadhan, do not procrastinate till Ramadhan because you will never do then. I would also advice you to uninstall all the social medias in your gadgets. Believe me you will live if you uninstall them, I will say, you will enjoy your life and have a peace of mind. 

12) Seek Help from Allah: Last but not the least, seek Allah's Help. No matter how much ever we plan, we can never achieve them without the help of Allah. Let us pray to Him that we come out of this Ramadhan with many and many good deeds and rewards. Let us also pray that Allah(swt) makes us enter this month of Ramadhan. Ameen!

Suggested Videos: 
1)     Ramadhan – Round the corner: Mufti Menk :

2)     How can you beat the martyr to Paradise:

3)     Four ways to prepare for Ramadhan:

4)    Also watch “Ramadan Pro Tips” series in YouTube by Quran Weekly

What can we do this Ramadhan?

Allah, the Exalted says in His Glorious Qur’an,
“O you who believe! The fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious). (Fasting) for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days. And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (e.g., an old man), they have (a choice either to fast or) feed a Miskin (poor person) (for every day). But whoever does good of his own accord. It is better for him. And that you fast is better for you if only you know. The month of Ramadhan in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadhan, i.e., is present at his home), he must fast that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number (of days which one did not fast must be made up) from other days.” (Al-Baqarah: !83-185)  

So far, we have looked , How to prepare for Ramadhan. The various things to be done in order to spiritually, physically and mentally prepare ourselves before stepping towards Ramadhan.
The next step is,
·        How to make this Ramadhan better than our previous Ramadhan?
·        What are the steps that we can do in order to get closer and closer to our Rabb?

Let us look at, what all we can do. These are just few deeds that will help you in sha Allah. Just include them along with your daily routine deeds.
1)    The month of Ramadhan begins when the new moon is sighted. There is an authentic Du’a or supplication which our beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw) used to recite and also taught us to do. Hence, when we recite this Du’a, we are embarking our journey toward ramadhan with a beautiful Du’a.

2)    Intention. As a muslim, we all must know the intention plays a major role for our deeds i.e., good deeds to be accepted and to be rewarded for it. Our deeds are considered by our intentions, and a person will get reward according to his intentions. There are many Ahadiths, that shows us the importance of intentions. I would like to quote one such hadith.
Umar Bin Khattab(ra) reported: Messenger of Allah(saw) said, ”The deeds are considered by the intentions, and a person will get the reward according to his intention. So whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, his emigration will be for Allah and His Messenger; and whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration would be for what he emigrated for.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)”
Make sure, every time you wake up for Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) or before doing any good deed, you renew your intention, that you are only doing this for the pleasure of Allah(swt).
NOTE: There is no authentic du’a taught by our beloved Prophet(saw) for intentions. Intentions are not said by mouth except in few situations, apart from the exceptions, a person and his deeds are judged by his hearts. Intentions are in our hearts.

3)    Never to miss out the most important pillar of Ramadhan, which is fasting.
The Messenger of Allah(SAW) said, “The reward of every (good) deed of a person is multiplied from ten to seven hundred times. Allah(swt) says: ‘The reward of observing Sawm(fasting)  is different from the reward of other good deeds; Sawm is for Me, and I Alone will give its reward. The person observing Sawm abstains from food drink only for My sake.’ The fasting person has two joyous occasions, one at the time of breaking his fast, and the other at the time of meeting his Rabb. Surely, the breath of one observing Sawm is better smelling to Allah(swt) than the fragrance of musk.”(Muslim)”
Some of the Virtues of Fasting in the month of Ramadhan includes:
·        Those who observe Sawm will enter Paradise through a gate called Ar-Rayyan. (Muslim)
·        Those who fast for the sake of Allah(swt), Allah(swt) will draw his face farther from Hell-Fire to the extent of a distance to be covered in seventy years. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
·        Those who fast seeking the reward and pleasure of Allah(swt). Allah(swt) will forgive his past sins. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

4)    Suhoor and Iftar. Never leave your Suhoor (pre-dawn meal). If you have the habit of  eating and sleeping, with out waking up for Suhoor. Then, this Ramadhan, wake up for Suhoor.
Anas(RA) narrates that Allah’s Messenger(SAW) stated: “Take your meal before dawn as there is blessing in it.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)”
Do not delay your Iftar (breaking the fast). Prophet(saw) always encouraged us to hasten while breaking the fast.
“Abu Darda(ra) reports that Allah’s Messenger(saw) stated: “Three things are from the manners of Prophets: 1) To hasten the breaking of fast (at evening). 2) To delay taking the pre-dawn meal (suhoor). 3) To place right hand over the left in Salah (prayer).” (At-Tabarani)”

5)    Charity.  Ramadhan is the month of deeds. Charity or Sadaqah is another virtuous and rewarding deed that can be done in abundance in Ramadhan. I would advice you all to set aside few dirhams, dinars or dollars, how much ever rizq(provision) of Allah(swt) bestowed upon you, allows you to. You can spend these penny that you have set aside in charity every day of Ramadhan, on behalf of yourselves and your family. If you cannot afford to do so, Islam gives you more options to do good. Smiling is also a sadaqah, greeting your fellow brothers is also a sadaqah, removing harmful objects from paths is also a Sadaqah, for men working and feeding your family, relatives is also a Sadaqah and for women feeding, looking after your family, cleaning your households and taking care of your kids is also a Sadaqah. But always remember, your intentions matter a lot. Do everything for the sake of Allah(swt) and fill your akhirah (hereafter) bank with a lot of good deeds.
“It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever gives charity equal to a date from good (halal) earnings – for Allaah does not accept anything but that which is good – Allaah will take it in His right hand and tend it for the one who gave it as any one of you tends his foal, until it becomes like a mountain.”(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)”

6)    Feed a fasting person. Another way to earn a huge reward in Ramadhan. Feed a fasting person and get the reward of your own fast and the fast of the person you have fed. If you cannot afford then volunteer by distributing the food, or spreading the food or by sharing. Your Rabb knows and He is Very Merciful and Most Appreaciative, He will reward you for your efforts.
“It was narrated that Zayd ibn Khaalid al-Juhani said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever gives iftaar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.”  (At-Trimidhi and Ibn Majah)

7)    Reciting and Memorizing Qur’an. The glorious Qur’an was revealed in Ramadhan to our beloved Messenger(saw). We must also use this month to get close the Qur’an. We must strive to complete at least one Qur’an this month by proper Tilawah (recitation) and proper understanding. Also, plan yourself to memorize your favorite Surah this month. It will be very easy for you to memorize in Ramadhan, then other months because you are in constant worship as you are fasting and also the satans (devils) are locked up. Make a goal that you will memorize a Surah by the end of this month.

8)    Hasten to do more good and also encourage your family, relatives and friends. ’Aishah(ra) said: With the start of the last ten days of Ramadhan, Messenger of Allah(saw) would pray all the night, and would keep his family awake for the prayers…..” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)”
Why should we encourage our near ones to perform good deeds? Very simple, we are in need of rewards. When they do something because of us we are also rewarded. “Abu Hurairah(ra) reported: The Messenger of Allah(saw) said, “He who calls others to follow the Right Guidance will have a reward equal to the reward of those who follow him, without their reward being dimished in any respect on that account.” (Muslim)

If you find this post useful, do share it with your loved ones.!!

Suggested Videos:
1)    Make this Ramadan your best Ramadan Lecture by Shaikh Muhammad Salah:
2)    Nouman Ali Khan - Ramadan Action Plan:
3)    Welcoming Ramadan Into Our Homes - Mufti Ismail Menk:

RAMADAN- Month of incomparable blessings and rewards

As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, it is time to warm up and get ready. Reading the Prophet’s Hadiths about Ramadan and its blessings cleans the believer’s souls and makes them more eager to enjoy the exceptionally spiritual, soul-nourishing experience of Ramadan.

·       Abu Hurairah(ra) related that the Prophet(saw) said: “Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. Whoever prays during the nights in Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. And he who passes Lailat ul Qadr in prayer with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

·       Umm Saleem(ra) reported that the Prophet(saw) said: “(The performance of) ‘Umrah during Ramadan is equal (in reward) to performing Hajj with me.” (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

·       Abu Hurairah(ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: “Every action a son of Adam(as) does shall be multiplied- a good action by ten times its value, up to 700 times. Allah says: “With the exception of fasting, which belongs to Me, and I reward it accordingly. For, one abandons his desire and food for My Sake.” There are two occasions of joy for a fasting person: one when he breaks his fast, and the other when he meets his Lord, and the (bad) breath (of a fasting person) is better in the sight of Allah than the fragrance of musk.”  (Al-Bukhari)

·       In another Hadith, the Messenger of Allah(saw) says, “Ramadan has come to you. (It is) a month of blessing, in which Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down Mercy, decreases sins and answers prayers. In it, Allah looks at your competition (in good deeds), and boasts about you to His Angels. So show Allah goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the Mercy of Allah, the Exalted.” (Imam Tabarani)

·       Amr bin Marrah Al-Juhni(ra) narrates that a man came to the Messenger of Allah(saw) and inquired humbly, “O Messenger of Allah(saw)! If I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and you are the Messenger of Allah(saw); offer prayers five times (daily); pay Zakah and fast and stand (in prayers at night) in Ramadan, then, among whom shall I be? The Messenger of Allah(saw) replies; Among the Truthful and the Martyrs.” (Bazzar and Ibne Habban)

May Allah bestow upon us His immense blessings and rewards this Ramadan.!!! AMEEN

RAMADAN Like Never Before

Ramadan comes once in every year with lots of offers and rewards. It is up to us whether we neglect or get the best of it. Our Ramadan must always be better than our previous one. We must strive each year in Ramadan to get the best from it. Before doing anything we must plan for it, so that everything goes well and good. Similarly, we must plan for our Ramadan as it is our once a year guest.

I will tell you "Six Tips" that we can do before Ramadan, to make this Ramadan of ours like never before....!

1) Tawbah:

-Repent for your laziness. 
Write down your Three weaknesses in regards to laziness and work on improving them. Example:  too much time on social media, being late for salah etc.. 

Allah(swt) loves those servants who pray on time. 
"Abdullah bin Masood(ra) said: I asked Allah's Messenger(saw), 'Which action is most beloved to Allah(swt)?' He(saw) said, 'Establishing prayer on time, honoring one's parents and Jihad in the cause of Allah(swt)."
Every salah on time! Try your very best to pray 10-15 min maximum after Athan.

Laziness is a sign of hypocrisy.
 4:142  Indeed, the hypocrites [think to] deceive Allah , but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing [themselves to] the people and not remembering Allah except a little, (4: 142) 

Perfect your Salah. View Salah like you are talking to Allah(swt). Take time saying Adhkar during Salah, contemplating on the words.

- Do tawbah from being negligent of remembering Allah(swt) and return to Him. 
The people of Jannah have one regret... They regret for their times on earth that went by without mentioning the Praises of the All-Mighty.

2) Cleanse the heart
If you had a dispute with someone, solve it for the sake of Allah(swt). Now, before Ramadan is the perfect time!
Every deed is lifted on Mondays and Thursday's except for those that are fighting. It will be on hold until they resolve their issues.

3) Schedule in Ramadan
Try your best to stay awake after Fajr until Salatul Ishraq. The reward of this is an accepted Umrah and Hajj.
Imagine finishing Ramadan with 30 Umrahs and Hajj in sha Allah.. 
Add reading of tafseer to your Ramadan Schedule. Example: read tafseer of one ayah of Surah Al-Mulk every day in Ramadan. Surah Al-Mulk has 30 ayahs.

4) Du'a 
Make a lot of Du'as. Dont leave your morning and evening Adhkars. Before Fajr(but after you eat Suhoor) Sit for 5 mins and dedicate it for saying Istighfar.
And right before Iftar, dedicate time to ask Allah(swt) to save yourself, your family, your relatives and all that you know from the Hell Fire.
You can even put a reminder on your phone so you do not forget since that is very hectic time and your mind is usually focused on counting down for the food!
Do not miss the blessings or barakah at the time of Suhoor, especiallt since this might be the longest fasting time in some countries.

5) Sadaqah/Charity
You should always give Sadaqah/charity but especially in Ramadan, give more! 
Every single day, even if only a small amount..
Do not let one day to go by without giving Sadaqah/charity this Ramadan.

6) Pick a Ramadan Buddy
Encourage each other... Compete with each other for the Akhira/ Hereafter.

Suggested Videos:
1) Maximizing Our Benefits from Ramadan by Ustadh Ismail Kamdar:

Things to be Avoided

12 things that we must avoid during Ramadan.

1) Do not sleep during the day and pray all night. By doing this, you are converting the day into night and the night into the day, which is not the purpose of fasting.

2) Avoid being lazy and inactive during the day.

3) Do not waste time playing games during the day. Rather, please Allah(swt) by increasing in your worships for Him.

4) Avoid having Iftar parties. Ramadan is not meant to be a food extravaganza.

5) Do not ask your wife to spend Ramadan in the kitchen. Eat something light and quick. Let her also make Du'a and utilize the month of forgiveness.

6) Spend the last 10 days worshiping Allah(swt) rather than trying to prepare for Eid! A day that is better than 1000 months. You cannot afford to miss this.

7) Do not stay awake the full night. Your body has a right over you, and when it wants rest, then rest.

8) Avoid excessive socializing after Taraweeh.

9) Avoid shopping a lot in Ramadan.

10) Do not eat the full night.

11) Do not loiter around at night rather than worshiping Allah(swt).

12) Eid does not require loads of preparation. Do not fall in to this trap! Keep it simple, and it will be blessed.

May we witness this forthcoming Ramadan with sound health... AMEEN

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